Inflammation is a mixed blessing

Inflammation is an immune system process that protect us from foreign invaders like viruses and bacteria. It also signals the repair of damaged tissues following an injury. This process typically lasts anywhere from a few hours to days, but in this regard inflammation is a blessing.

When this immune response lasts several months or even years, we refer to it as chronic inflammation. Unlike acute inflammation where symptoms are quite noticeable, symptoms of chronic inflammation like fatigue and fever are less obvious. Over time, chronic inflammation can eventually damage healthy cells and may lead to diseases such as diabetes, asthma or cancer.

Exercise reduces inflammation

According to a review published in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation, when we exercise, our muscles release a protein called IL-6 which is linked to a reduction in the levels of the inflammation-triggering protein TNF alpha. In addition to this, they found evidence that regular exercise prevents the accumulation of abdominal fat which is also thought to promote inflammation.

Walking is one of the easiest ways to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. Because it is low impact, it is a great choice for people with arthritis. Even a 20-minute walk is enough to reduce inflammation. Bodyweight exercises are great for building strength without putting added stress to the joints. Cycling is another low-impact exercise that you can try. Some even prefer to use their bikes to commute to work.

Physical activity is a natural and effective anti-inflammatory strategy that is suitable for people of all ages.